Friday, July 24, 2015

24 Has Taught Me..

Yowza, what a year it has been! 24 may have left me with a few gray hairs, but I have been blessed to spend this year watching Harlow grow (and grow and grow) and learn and develop her very own very BIG personality. I have also learned a good bit about myself – and about other people. I wanted to reflect on this past year – to learn from the good and the bad, finding blessings and lessons in everything, and to move forward to 25 - making it the best year yet!

24 Has Taught Me…

Always be kinder than you feel. Almost in a ‘fake it until you make it’ sense, but don’t be fake - just find a way to put a positive twist on everything. The more you do, the easier it will be to find the GOOD in everything.

Some people just aren’t meant to continue with you on your journey. Maybe they were a big part of your life, maybe they taught you a lesson, or maybe they were just a good warning. Just trust that they served a purpose and know that it’s okay that they aren’t moving forward with you.

Surround yourself with good people! This was a big one for me this year. Sometimes it has to be an intentional thing. You have to really think about where you want the direction of your life to be headed in, and find people who are on that path. "Find your tribe and love them well."

There is no place for pride. There’s just not. This is a really hard thing for me to ditch, but it has no place for me in 25. Sorry, bye!

People who know the least about you often have the most to say. And sometimes, it’s on social media. The internet is pretty cool... until it’s not, right?!

Find your passion. You know that thing when you think about it, you have a weird feeling in your chest and it makes you really excited but also really scared? That’s it! Also big this year! There are a few things that I was like yes, I know that’s where I’m supposed to be but I have no idea how I’m going to get there. How long is it going to take? What’s it going to look like to others? And none of that really matters. If you have found it, what a waste it would be to pass it up. ALL OF THE FEELINGS!

When people show you who they are, believe them. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Sound familiar? Always forgive – but you don’t have to forget. Refer to #2

How someone acts in a struggle says a lot about his or her character. How do you act when you are in a storm? It’s pretty easy - too easy actually - to be bitter. What’s hard is to not be anxious or resentful. Have faith that your situation is exactly where you need to be. Yeah. Just yeah.

Take everything with a grain of salt. People will always have their own opinions, but they don’t have to be yours – they don’t even have to shape yours. Do what you know to do is right – that’s really all there is to it.

So a big goodbye to 24 and hellloo to quarter life crisis and adventures !! Seriously though, I have a lot of room for growth and learning in 25, that I am sure of! I am excited to continue this journey with you all! Have a great weekend and thanks for checking in! XO

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